CCJ Enforcement
Have you successfully obtained a County Court Judgment (CCJ) over the amount of £600 that you need to be enforced? Our bailiffs in Manchester can assist through the whole process.
Find out moreEnforcement can be a complex area to navigate. Request a callback from our team of experts to support you through your case.
Request a CallbackAre you looking for an effective bailiff and High Court enforcement service in Manchester?
Our debt recovery solutions and eviction services are flexible to fit your needs; from a one-off transfer up of CCJs to residential and commercial evictions - Equivo can help you recover your money.
Have you successfully obtained a County Court Judgment (CCJ) over the amount of £600 that you need to be enforced? Our bailiffs in Manchester can assist through the whole process.
Find out moreOur debt collection bailiffs in Manchester offer a complete debt recovery service; from one-off collections to ongoing contracts to reconnect and rehabilitate accounts.
Find out moreFast and effective removal of travellers and trespassers from private and commercial land by Certificated Enforcement Agents and Authorised High Court Enforcement Officers in Manchester.
Find out moreFor landlords wishing to evict a tenant quicker than proceedings in the County Court, our bailiffs in Manchester offer a fast and effective eviction service.
Find out moreAre illegal squatters or occupants unlawfully encamped on your land? Our team of bailiffs in Manchester have the expertise to evict squatters nationwide, with a 100% success rate and are on hand 24/7.
Squatter EvictionsCommercial Rent Arrears Recovery (CRAR) by our team of specialist bailiffs in Manchester. We will ensure you are paid what you are owed in a timely and effective manner.
Find out moreWhether you need to enforce a judgment or debt, we can help. Find a quality bailiff in Manchester that fits your needs by instructing Equivo. We have certificated enforcement agents (bailiffs) that carry out debt collection on your behalf to ensure that your debt is lawfully recovered.
Contact our experienced bailiffs in Manchester for fast, effective enforcement services. Enforcement can be a complex area to navigate - our team of experts are on hand to support you through your case.